Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 2

Switched up to the 26" kick for three songs. Snares were the Jazzfest abd the blue Singerland, always side mic'd, and with a bottom mic on the Slinger. KSM141s moved up to OH position, and (gasp) came out of omni for a song. Same kick mics, but out front this time unless the ATM25 was under the snare. MD1a came down to the floor to get slapback. More later.

Two days in the mansion

Just some photos for now, as I'm too tired to type it all out. But five songs into the rest of the Bellflur record, and I'm really happy. Things are sounding great.

We've used different drum setups on most every song, and we're tracking more live than we have before. It's working nicely. Day one was 5-5-5-6 and Rhythms of Waking and Sleeping, both with Hunter's new Mapleworks kick. Rhythms was his Mapleworks snare, 5556 is the Big Black. Kick mics are e602 inside and ATM25 in the hole, both into 2108. Snare side is Beyer M201 into V276. Bova is into the V76, GT MD1a switches between mono overhead and room mic, through the DRS1 and sometimes the MC77. TM2 in front of the kit, mainly in omni, into V76 and sometimes Sta Level slow attack/fast release. Rooms are KSM141s in omni, toms are M179s, all into the Sytek. Yamaha CP70 into Ampeg B25/1x15 cab mic'd with SM7b into V276. National guitar into Pro Jr mic'd with Beyer M88 into Altec 1566a and sometimes Drawmer 1968me. Bass (guitar and synth) both into V71 and sometimes the Sta-Level.